Today's Clips (6/27/24)

James Ijames' 'Fat Ham,' currently running with Common Thread Theatre Collective, is like no Hamlet adaptation you've ever seen.

Flip phone sales and interest are soaring as more smartphone users say they want to stop being constantly pressured and distracted.

University task forces, created to help combat campus bias, released recommendations on what changes should be made.

A year after the Supreme Court struck down race-based college admissions, a campaign by conservative legal groups is forcing public and private institutions to abandon diversity programs.


New data show the highest persistence and retention rates in a decade, with Black students at public four-year colleges boasting especially high year-over-year increases. College students’ persistence and retention rates have climbed back to pre-pandemic levels—and then some. In fact, the rate of students who returned for their second year of college last year was the highest in a decade, according to new research by the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center.

Many are on the brink, but they’ve never been more vital.

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