Today's Clips (6/26/24)

Stein made the backlog a priority as the N.C. attorney general when he came into office in 2017.

The Indigo Girls' documentary It's Only Life After All shows that the duo's fan base is much more diverse than the stereotype will have many believe.

The NBA icon surprised a group of men's basketball players in Folsom, Calif., joining them for their pickup games.

Haiti has been defined in the public imagination by struggle and turmoil. Now in its biggest year and first in Brooklyn, the BAYO festival looks to shift focus back toward the culture.


An incident at Columbia suggests that schools beset with antisemitism are beyond salvation.

We shifted the focus of high school from getting a diploma toward what happens beyond graduation day

One Republican leader says the school would help meet growing job needs. Another says there needs to be more discussion about the proposal.

If the conflict in the Middle East is unresolved come August, turmoil is likely to continue and add to that a presidential election equally fraught with tension.

A year after the Supreme Court struck down affirmative action, top colleges have shown their commitment to racial diversity was never real.


Judges have temporarily blocked the new Title IX regulations in 10 red states so far. Experts expect a long legal fight that could end at the Supreme Court. Federal judges in Louisiana and Kentucky in recent weeks have taken the Biden administration to task for its rule overhauling Title IX in opinions that

The private institution isn’t the first to make such a claim.

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