Today's Clips (4/9/19)

How is what Harvard does different from the charges against Felicity Huffman?

Thirteen parents and one coach have agreed to guilty pleas in "Operation Varsity Blues," a national investigation of a scheme intended to fraudulently gain admission to college.

Police arrested two people Monday for defacing a monument and an art exhibit on the UNC campus early March 31 with racist graffiti. The pair also were charged in the theft of a university flag that morning from atop the UNC System Building.

Instead of taking out loans, students can agree to hand over part of their future earnings in return for investment.

“The main problem we have with Kavanaugh is the allegations of sexual assault."

One of the many adverse effects of federal intervention in higher education has been its homogenization.

A national advocate for liberal arts education, Rosenberg has served 16 years as president of the St. Paul college.


A video of a student using the slur has angered the campus that has seen many other racial incidents in recent years.

An early look at state and local higher education funding finds that recovery since the recession has been uneven, with just nine states in 2018 back to pre-recession funding levels -- meanwhile, another nine have seen no recovery at all.

Amarillo College’s “No Excuses” program has become a national model.

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