Today's Clips (9/5/24)
The Wall Street Journal/College Pulse ranking includes 25 new colleges in the top 50 this year. 
Multiple institutions agreed to consider divestment from weapons manufacturers and others profiting off the war in Gaza. Only a handful have moved toward doing so.
It's free to dream. That's what the lottery really can do; cause you to stare off into space just imagining the adventures you could have and the bills that could be paid if piles of money came your way.

Unemployment is still low, but job seekers are competing for fewer openings, and hiring is sluggish. That’s a big turnaround from recent years.

A hearing Thursday will include arguments on a proposal that would allow colleges to pay athletes directly. But detractors say the deal still doesn’t offer players enough.

Will college officials tolerate the antisemitic disgraces of the spring?


Nearly half of professors think students learn better with print materials, according to a new report—but demand from both students and institutions is still pushing them to be more digitally focused. Fewer than 10 percent of college courses now solely require physical textbooks, down from 20 percent two years ago. But professors still believe paper books are more effective than their digital counterparts.

Eleven scholars on politics, partisanship, and the professoriate.

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