Today's Clips (9/2/24)
It’s one of several states where legislators of one party have overridden vetoes from a governor of the opposing party. Several tossup races will determine if that continues.

Higher education should be tolerant but never neutral.

Amherst College and Tufts University saw drops in the number of Black students after a Supreme Court decision ending affirmative action. At other schools, the picture is murkier.

The group, which had previously resisted defining “antisemitism,” issued a definition, and called on the university to institute anti-bias training and revamp its systems for handling complaints.

After students at the University of North Carolina shielded a U.S. flag from protesters, admirers raised money to throw a ‘rager’ in their honor. Some don’t want it.

On average, $1 million for S.E.C. quarterbacks; guards who earn a quarter of that: The New York Times examined the so-called Black Book, a kind of Zillow for college sports, that details athletes’ expected annual pay.

DEI is a fundamentally flawed approach to tackling this form of prejudice.


A Florida State professor found a way to catch AI cheating on multiple-choice tests. He also found that ChatGPT got a lot of “easy” questions wrong. A Florida State University professor has found a way to detect whether generative artificial intelligence was used to cheat on multiple-choice exams, opening up a new avenue for faculty who have long been worried about the ramifications of the technology.

Colleges are the wrong target. Students should direct their efforts elsewhere.

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