Today's Clips (9/16/24)
Two dozen Republican attorneys general wrote to Brown University warning that divestment would prompt blowback.

Republicans are demanding colleges embrace “viewpoint diversity.” They aren’t the only ones who are concerned.

An event for the magazine Jewish Currents took a surprising turn.

Here is what we know about the effects of the Supreme Court’s decision curtailing race-based admissions at selective universities. And why many experts and administrators are baffled.

While US colleges are borrowing billions from the debt market to fund campus upgrades, an Indiana university is taking a unique route: selling a Georgia O’Keeffe painting.

Inside Columbia’s surveillance and disciplinary operation for student protesters

Author Nicholas Lemann discusses his new book on standardized testing and common misconceptions about the history and future of admissions exams. A lot has changed since Nicholas Lemann last wrote about college admissions tests in his 1999 book, The Big Test. A progressive movement against standardized test requirements took off in the 2000s, the COVID-19 pandemic forced the majority of colleges to make test scores optional and the Supreme Court struck down affirmative action in admissions, making the question of testing’s impact on college diversity more relevant than ever.

A 2021 law requires some colleges to repair the harm caused by their enslavement of Black Americans. Few students have benefited so far.

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