Today's Clips (8/26/24)

Attending ballet classes was one of Sarah Todd Hammer's favorite things to do as a child, but in April 2010 that was all taken away from her in one moment.

A Republic, if we can keep it: Part XXIX


University officials are spelling out strict codes around protests. They say they are trying to be clear. Others say they are trying to suppress speech.

The group reverses its 2006 position against academy boycotts.

The school year begins this week with heightened security and a new interim president.

During move-in day at American University, a father and his daughter struggle with how both of their lives will change as she starts freshman year.

In the spring, three dozen protesters were charged with trespassing at a “Gaza solidarity encampment” held on the university’s Polk Place quad.

After years of declining enrollment and a $6 million budget deficit, the university will no longer offer majors in philosophy, religious studies, classics and drama.


The Education Department has issued $61.7 million in fines and cut off aid to 35 colleges for violations since 2021. Some critics say it hasn’t gone far enough in holding rule breakers accountable; others say the feds have a “vendetta” against career colleges. A for-profit college based in Washington, D.C., that offered IT and health-care programs shut down in May 2023 after the Education Department cut it off from federal financial aid—one of 35 institutions in the last three years that have lost access to the funding source that’s a lifeline for most colleges. 

Living in the university’s blind spots.

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