Today's Clips (6/21/24)

One report documented antisemitic threats. The other, anti-Muslim threats. Both signaled that there may be little room for agreement.

Mr. Trump’s promise to Silicon Valley investors was a sharp departure from immigration curbs he enacted during his presidency. His campaign walked it back soon after.

The Boston school also cited declining interest in small private institutions for the decline in new students.

“I certainly don’t view it as a competitive thing with NC State,” NC House Speaker Tim Moore said.

After offering test-free admissions, some US schools are reversing course, claiming it will help under-resourced students – but critics say it will do the opposite

A drop in births after the 2008 global recession means fewer high school graduates now. With less competition, will that make getting into university easier?


‘It’s not a machine for cheating; it’s a machine for producing crap,’ says one professor infuriated by the rise of bland essays. The increased prevalence of students using ChatGPT to write essays should prompt a rethink about whether current policies encouraging “ethical” use of artificial intelligence (AI) are working, scholars have argued.

This would set the university back a hundred years.

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