Today's Clips (2/8/21)

At Central Methodist University, in Missouri, student needs and well-intentioned but insufficient preparations meant a fall semester of vast infection.

Large universities saw thousands of students infected last fall. Many of those institutions are doing better this time around.

The Buccaneers have become the paradigm of diversity in the NFL with several women in high-profile positions. Here are some of their stories.

Sweet-shooting Hyunjung Lee represents a new NBA hope for South Korea.


For decades, universities have taken advantage of graduates with humanities Ph.D.s and dim prospects.

The celebrations of the 91-87 basketball victory brought hundreds onto Franklin Street.


From stimulus to school admissions, leaders act as if ease is the only worthy goal.

More than three years ago, Najee Ali Baker, a Winston-Salem State University student, was shot to death on Wake Forest University's campus. Now, a lawsuit filed over his death is


The college wants to cut 116 full-time positions from its non-tenure-track faculty ranks, but alumni, students and professors are putting up a fight.

St. Bonaventure University’s president has been on a ventilator for weeks, casting a shadow over the start of the spring semester.

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