Today's Clips (12/21/20)

Hold on to your mortar board: the cost of a U.S. college education has finally stopped going up. At least that’s the case at a small handful of liberal arts colleges that need to lure students in the middle of a pandemic.

2020 leveled and reshaped the landscape for colleges.

Davidson Athletic Director Chris Clunie joined CSL Wednesday night to talk about the athletic programs at the schools.


The pandemic has already led to one “lost class” of freshmen. The low rate of completing the financial aid form may signal another.

Some top programs will play a dozen games this season. The Golden Bears managed only four before their season ended with a text message.

Anxious high-school seniors are trying to boost their chances of getting into some of the most selective schools in the country during a chaotic admissions cycle.


My feelings of inadequacy and anxiety turned to strength when I realized that my experience could help other students.

The billionaire turns higher-education philanthropy upside down, as these recipients are not the usual kind.

Tasting your future can inspire big new ideas.

In a bipartisan effort, Congress is close to a deal to simplify the federal financial aid form, or FAFSA, a major policy goal of retiring Republican senator Lamar Alexander.

College students could potentially be looking at up to $1,800 in Covid relief stimulus checks in 2020.


Likely voters believe a postsecondary degree has lost some of its value since the start of the pandemic.

The pandemic exacerbated long-simmering problems confronting colleges.

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