Fifty positive COVID-19 cases, or 100? Meeting 80 percent of quarantine capacity, or having more than 10 sick employees? Some colleges are publishing "triggers" that would lead them to consider closing; others refuse to boil decision making down to a few numbers.
Both the stress and the stakes are high for all the small business owners near Michigan’s campus on and around South University Avenue, which winds through the city of about 120,000 residents -- about one-third of them students.
There are 12 clusters and hundreds of COVID-19 cases reported on UNC’s campus, in dorms and UNC-affiliated off-campus properties, including Greek houses.
Each year, we ask high school seniors to send us college application essays that touch on money, work or social class. Here are four from this year’s incoming college freshmen.
Nearly 7 percent of students have tested positive at Georgia College, and many more are in quarantine, but the state’s regents insisted on in-person classes.
They spent months training professors, streamlining communications with students, and fostering a sense of community online. The problem? They’re in the minority.
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