Today's Clips (1/16/20)

Students should choose a college wisely and get educated about loans before borrowing.

Nearly 2,000 Somali civilians have probably been killed by al-Shabab since the United States changed its rules of engagement in 2017.


A movement to demonize Israel corrupts the academy.

They are among more than a dozen parents who are still fighting charges in the sprawling admissions prosecution.

Social-justice drama has students shunning Evergreen State.

The Justice Department’s antitrust enforcer has voiced concern about limits the college sports association has placed on athletes’ compensation and said officials are watching the NCAA’s response.

Students are struggling.


John Katzman describes the changes that colleges and universities will -- or should -- make in the next decade.

Data in a new online tool raise questions about how well public and nonprofit colleges and universities are doing in helping students earn enough to repay their debt.

Transfer agreements don’t usually signal a sea change. But an agreement between Pennsylvania’s community colleges and Southern New Hampshire University may do just that.

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