Today's Clips (8/29/19)
Building exteriors tend to get gross. Dirt clings to the walls. Windows get filmy. Spiderwebs amass. If you live in a particularly humid area, mold and mildew can start to make exterior walls look like a science experiment.

Davidson College and Barings, a Charlotte-based financial service firm with a global scope, have announced a three-year partnership. 


Attention to personal needs like mentoring, flexible scheduling and public transportation vouchers can help students in public colleges graduate on time.

Yes, the concept can be taken too far, but it still underlies the university’s primary obligations.

Unexpected denials and long delays have become increasingly common for international students and scholars seeking visas.

The University of Mississippi said Wednesday that it's moving ahead with plans to transfer a Confederate soldier monument from its central location on campus to a spot near a secluded Confederate cemetery.

Paul Arnold Steber, a freshman, was arrested Tuesday night on campus. Police said they seized two firearms and ammunition from his dorm room.


Many professors say that teaching students how to email them properly is a necessary gift that keeps on giving.

“We’re not achieving the growth that we thought we might,” said Purdue’s president, Mitch Daniels.

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