Investing in a college degree still pays off for most students in the form of higher salaries and wealth. But for a growing number of students, it’s no longer a guaranteed path to prosperity.
The U.S. can learn a big lesson from Finland’s education system: Instead of stress and standardized testing, schools should focus on well-being and joy
Interim University of North Carolina president William Roper failed to disclose his position on multiple corporate boards. The response from the Board of Governors might have been worse.
Campaign proposals for broad loan forgiveness from Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders have helped make student debt a top issue in the Democratic presidential primary race.
In a move expected to largely benefit undocumented immigrants, the University of Michigan has revised its requirements for students to qualify for in-state tuition.
Colleges are becoming increasingly cautious about offering outdoor programs that can give students fruitful experiences but also pose substantial risks.
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