Today's Clips (8/31/18)

Delmarva Shorebirds' outfielder Will Robertson displays what a day in the life of a minor-league baseball player is really all about.


The agency has filed a so-called statement of interest in their case, saying that Harvard “has failed to show that it does not unlawfully discriminate.”

Students, alumni and advocates shared their thoughts on the rules, which give more rights to students accused of rape, assault or harassment.

Too many teachers see the pursuit of money as shameful.

The Justice Department says Harvard puts Asian-American applicants at a disadvantage through the school’s use of a subjective “personal rating.”

At a college library, I saw more computers than volumes.

The president of Rutgers University wrote that he was not aware of the disciplinary finding against a professor whose anti-white social media posts attracted viral attention. The president asked university officials to reconsider the case with experts on First Amendment law advising.

UNC-Board of Governors member Thom Goolsby, in YouTube video, says Confederate statue Silent Sam was sophisticated plan by non-student radicals police allowed. Chapel Hill Mayor Pam Hemminger defends officers.

How a hypothetical accusation could actually play out in practice, if the Education Department’s proposed rules become law

Schools are decreasing their advertised costs after enrollment drops and consumer backlash.


Emory is investigating a law professor who used the slur in a torts class about a case involving the word "Negro."

Could this be a small step toward curbing hysteria and hype in the admissions process?

When famous graduates display values that run counter to those of their alma mater, presidents must decide how — or whether — to respond.

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