As college tuition and student-loan debt continue to set records, researchers have found that, during the housing crisis, increased college attendance in an area was a strong indication that foreclosures would soon climb as well.
Americans are exhorted repeatedly: If you see something, say something. More often than not, “something” turns out to be nothing — just a kid having her lunch, for example.
Prospects for Ph.D. earners are dismal in the academic job market. N.C. State University has taken on that conundrum with a new program that leads science, technology, engineering and math doctoral students to careers in industry.
Wesleyan College, a women’s liberal arts college in Macon, Ga., announced in late July that it will no longer allow class names because the practice has been “embroiled in historical controversy.”
Plan to narrow student loan forgiveness and, reportedly, repeal gainful-employment rule would be a boon to poorly performing colleges -- especially for-profit institutions -- and hurt students, critics say.