Today's Clips (5/24/18)

But we can’t expect higher education to eliminate inequality all by itself.

It's been two years since the University of North Dakota unveiled its new Fighting Hawks logo that put it in good standing with the NCAA, but a familiar cheer at its hockey games shows what many students and alumni still think of the switch: "Let's go Sioux!"

Philadelphia teen Richard Jenkins used to sleep in a homeless shelter and was nicknamed "Harvard" by bullies for being a bookworm. Now, he is going to the same Ivy League school on a full scholarship.

A graduate student discovers the importance of humanizing data.

For the first time, the British university released data about its admissions, and the figures showed a continuing gap in prospects along racial and economic lines.

As many as one in four students at some elite U.S. colleges are classified as disabled, largely because of mental-health issues, entitling them to a widening array of special accommodations like longer time to take exams.

Some college meal plans can cost more than $6,000 for one academic year.


For certain events, UCLA will only cover $100,000 worth of security each year for speakers outside the university, a unique spending cap so far in higher education.

Academe sees a new wave of faculty-student dating bans in the era of Me Too.

With his judgment again called into question, this time over the University of Southern California’s handling of misconduct complaints against a gynecologist, Max Nikias faces the sort of mobilized opposition that can sink a college leader.

Five decades into a crisis that now has become existential, the to-do list in a session at the annual meeting of the Association of American Colleges and Universities earlier this year, about turning this around, began with a remarkably basic question:
“Define ‘liberal arts.”

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